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Tbilisi will host the thirty-seventh meeting of the GCF Board.

The 36th meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund was held in Songdo, Republic of Korea.

According to the decision made at the Board meeting, the Council will held the next meeting at the end of October 2023 in Tbilisi, Georgia. 
All members of the Council unanimously supported the decision.

The Green Climate Fund is the world's largest fund supporting developing countries in achieving climate change goals. 

Mrs. Nino Tandilashvili, the First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia attended the 36th meeting of the Council in Songdo.


Mrs. Tandilashvili is a member of the mentioned Council, representing the countries of the Eastern European region.
Notably, during the meeting, the Board adopted the Fund’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan, thus supporting developing countries in implementing their national priorities towards climate change.


Within the framework of the Council meeting, Mrs. Nino Tandilashvili chaired the meetings of the Accreditation Committee of the GCF.