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Otar Shamugia: "I congratulate all the citizens of our country on the decision of the European Commission, which brings Georgia even closer to the full membership of the European Union".

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Otar Shamugia: "I congratulate all the citizens of our country on the decision of the European Commission, which brings Georgia even closer to the full membership of the European Union.


A recommendation was released for our country to receive the status of a candidate country of the European Union. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who was involved and contributed to the positive evaluation. I thank the representatives of the European Commission, our international partners, I thank the Georgian people, the Prime Minister of Georgia, and the entire government team, especially all the employees of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, who made a very important contribution to the fulfillment of the obligations and recommendations, which were a necessary condition to get a positive rating.


The legislative approximation has already been achieved with 20 legal acts from the 27 environmental directives/regulations stipulated by the Association Agreement, and active work is underway to approximate 7 legal acts.


Within the scope of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement with the European Union, the legislation of Georgia has already approximated more than half of the EU legal acts-130 normative acts out of the 200 legal acts.