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Tbilisi hosted the Conference " Will Resource Efficiency be at the Core of Business Success in Georgia?’’.

On November 7-8, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) organized a Conference in Tbilisi: ‘’Will Resource Efficiency be at the Core of Business Success in Georgia ?’’.


The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Solomon Pavliashvili, the Chair of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, Mrs. Maya Bitadze, the First Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Mr. Romeo Mikautadze, and Mr. Nicholas Sendrovich, Deputy Head of the European Commission's Directorate General for Good Neighborliness and Negotiations on EU Enlargement made opening remarks at the conference.


"We are taking significant steps toward developing the energy efficiency and the circular economy, which is a prerequisite for sustainable development. The rules and regulations that Georgia has already adopted lay the foundation for the rapid development of the green economy in Georgia. We are actively working on the development of a national roadmap for the transition to the circular economy, which will be followed by the elaboration of a strategy, programs, and measures that will fully cover all directions required for the development of the circular economy in the country, first of all, the reuse of waste. I would point out that public awareness in this direction has increased significantly. There is already a readiness on the part of both businesses and people to actively participate in the processes that will lead to real results," Mr. Solomon Pavliashvili noted.


The event included reports on the development of national capabilities of industrial enterprises in Georgia, saving resources and using greener production methods in business, the promotion of eco-innovation and eco-labels, extended producer responsibility, waste management, and many other issues.


All stakeholders involved in the development of the green economy in Georgia, including representatives of state agencies, industrial enterprises, and business and scientific circles, attended the conference.


The conference was held within the EU4 Environment program funded by the European Union (EU). The purpose of the mentioned program is to help the countries of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union preserve their natural capital and improve the environmental well-being of people. 



Five partner organizations: the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the World Bank implement the program EU4Environment. Implementation period: 2019-2024, budget: 20 million euros.