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Media representatives get familiar with the novelties of the law "On Industrial Emissions".

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mrs. Nino Tandilashvili, participated in the information meeting, where journalists got information about the novelties of the law "On Industrial Emissions".


"The Industrial Emissions Directive is one of the most complex and challenging regulations of the European Union, as it involves about 200  enterprises currently operating in the country, which will have to meet certain standards and additional requirements.
The regulation aims to gradually reduce pollution from the industrial sector while also requiring new commitments from the business sector to improve facilities and change technological processes, thus the negative impact on the environment resulting from industrial activities is minimized. The law addresses not only air pollution but also water and soil pollution, waste generation, and the prevention of different types of pollution caused by manufacturing processes ", said Mrs. Nino Tandilashvili.


The USAID Economic Governance Program organized a meeting with media representatives in partnership with the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee of the Parliament of Georgia and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.


"Regulations we adopt in the environmental field, including industrial emissions, have a big impact on business. Therefore, we are actively cooperating with the business sector in the process of developing and implementing the draft law. In the 10th convocation of the Parliament of Georgia, the Committee created a permanent working group with the business association since the new regulations we adopt or will adopt in the future affect the business," said Mrs. Maia Bitadze, Chair of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee of the Parliament of Georgia.

The Chair of the Committee stated that it is crucial to inform journalists about the new regulations, noting that, on the one hand, it is a clean future for us and our children, and on the other hand, it is a new obligation for business, that should not impede them.
The representatives of the relevant agencies of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture attended the information meeting and answered the questions posed by the journalists within the scope of their competence.