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Otar Shamugia: "I can state with full responsibility that the forest has not been sold in Racha; According to the existing legislation, it is impossible to sell the forest".


At the end of the Government session, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr.Otar Shamugia, briefed media representatives on the license for setting up a hunting farm in Racha.


"Firstly, I will speak about the license issuance procedure. I declare that in March 2022, the National Environmental Agency held a public auction -won by a particular company ‘’HG Capra Caucasica’’. Specific studies and relevant works followed the mentioned procedure. A month before announcing the auction, the information was disseminated through the press, including the National Environmental Agency's official website and other sources. 


The mentioned process was public and complied with the existing legislation that regulates this issue in the country. The National Environmental Agency followed all procedures under the legislation. The auction was publicized, and the license was issued officially." said Mr. Otar Shamugia.


The Minister emphasized that the forest has not been sold in Racha and that it is impossible to sell the forest under existing legislation.

"I want to state once again unequivocally and with full responsibility that this is a lie, the forest was not really sold. According to the existing legislation, it is impossible to sell the forest", the Minister noted.


Minister Shamugia discussed the details regarding the obligations and powers stipulated by the license, noting that the winning company was given the authority to invest at least GEL 5 million for setting up a hunting farm in the respective area and organizing the necessary ecotourism infrastructure, also, more than 80% of employees should be from the local community. The license holder must not hinder people from moving on the territory.


As for the extraction of non-timber resources, the Forestry Agency should not be prohibited from obtaining firewood, as indicated in the license. 


The license holder is obliged to draw up a management plan jointly with the population, local authorities, and relevant services of the Ministry and to carry out relevant studies, including in the area of the Emerald Network. 


The local population should be included in the process of planning and setting up the infrastructure and determining further activities, and their interests should be taken into consideration. 


