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A New Project will be implemented to improve the management of the ecosystems of Dedoplistskaro Biosphere Reserve.

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Yuri Nozadze, attended the first working meeting of the preparatory phase of the project " Transforming Policy and Investment through Improving Ecosystem Management and Restoration of Degraded Drylands of Dedoplistskaro Biosphere Reserve in Georgia to Generate Multiple Environmental and Socio-Economic Benefits" (GAZELLE).


"Last year, for the first time in Georgia, UNESCO recognized "Dedoplistskaro Biosphere Reserve" and "Sami Alazani Biosphere Reserve" and included them in the international list of biosphere reserves. The biosphere reserves play a crucial role in nature conservation and in the adoption of common practices of sustainable land use, which will have a positive impact on the well-being of the local population. However,  the effective management and operation of these areas are of utmost importance to achieve the mentioned results. The new project aims to establish the management system of Dedoplistskaro biosphere reserve, biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management, and restoration of degraded ecosystems", - noted the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Yuri Nozadze.
During the meeting, the stakeholders discussed the ongoing activities and existing initiatives towards biodiversity protection and sustainable management of land resources in Georgia.


The goal of the new project is to promote sustainable land management and restoration of degraded ecosystems while preserving the biodiversity of Dedoplistskaro Biosphere Reserve.

 As stated, all relevant stakeholders will be actively involved in the project drafting and implementation processes.



The mentioned project was initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and implemented with the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus).
The representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, local government, and non-governmental organizations attended the meeting. In May 2024, the final draft document should be submitted to the GEF Secretariat for approval.