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Otar Shamugia made opening remarks at the presentation of the project " E-Waste Collection and Management System in Georgia''

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Otar Shamugia, made opening remarks at the presentation of the project "E-Waste Collection and Management System in Georgia".
As part of the project, Georgia will adopt the electronic waste collection system for the first time. The project includes an awareness-raising campaign as well.

 Mr. Shamugia emphasized the importance of creating a modern waste management system, stating that the state prioritizes the adoption of the mentioned system, which is also envisaged by the EU Association Agreement.

"Over the years, we have been carrying out significant reforms in the environmental protection field, which encompasses several directions: the forestry sector, protected areas, ambient air quality, and water resources management. Our environmental policy and these reforms comply with the commitments made by the Association Agreement and the steps we are taking on the way to European integration. 
Waste management is one of the components of environmental protection policy. We are in constant communication with the representatives of the sector to ensure the success of the reform we have initiated as part of the ''Extended Producer Responsibility''. Three organizations are already operating, and more than eleven thousand people are registered in the register. Waste management is one of the constituent parts of the economy, and the cooperation between the business sector and state agencies is crucial in this process", said Mr. Otar Shamugia.

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Solomon Pavliashvili, Chair of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee of the Parliament, Mrs. Maia Bitadze, Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Mr. Romeo Mikautadze and Mr. Michelle Koscielski, the Director of the USAID Economic Growth Office, addressed the participants. The representatives of the local municipality, business associations, and the private sector attended the event.

The presentation also included panel discussions on the e-waste collection and management system. The parties emphasized the importance of business sector involvement, e-waste recycling, and circular economy.

‘’Wasteless’’ - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Association of Georgia organized the event. "Wasteless" is a specific waste management association that unites 10,500 companies. The organization provides collection and further management cycle of waste electrical equipment, batteries, accumulators, oils, and tires.


The event also included an exhibition of handicrafts made from electronic waste and boxes where we could place old and damaged electronic waste. 


It should be mentioned that 10 large and 178 small boxes for the collection of e-waste will be installed in shopping centers and public gathering places in the coming days.
