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During the presentation of the report, Otar Shamugia emphasized the efforts for market diversification.

" We have told it many times and will repeat it, that we must increase the competitiveness of local agro-food products and adopt relevant standards to take full advantage of the potential of the EU market.


Within the framework of the DCFTA, we have made commitments for legislative convergence in the food safety, veterinary, and plant protection areas. 138 out of 200 normative acts have already been adopted and harmonized due to our active efforts," said Mr. Otar Shamugia.


According to the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, the technical assistance program, which includes the adoption of international food safety standards, is being successfully implemented and continues. Moreover, a program for promoting organic production is being launched, ensuring certification, consulting services, and co-financing of organic fertilizers and organic drugs- permitted in viticulture and beekeeping fields.

"We help producers to promote Georgian agro-food products in priority markets. In 2022-2023, around 80 enterprises participated and showcased their products at 14 international exhibits with the support of the Rural Development Agency. I would also emphasize the cooperation with our International partners.

We have joint projects with the European Union, the United States, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Development Program, and many other partner countries and international organizations. 
The mentioned projects support us in implementing reforms in the agricultural and environmental areas and adopting and developing International standards," said Mr. Otar Shamugia.