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Otar Shamugia: "The Department of Environmental Supervision has been completely re-equipped. Inspectors and environmental rapid response mobile teams were provided with state-of-the-art technical tools and equipment".

" Despite our best efforts, the frequency of facts involving illegal forest usage remains challenging. In 2023, we increased the number of forest rangers in the Forestry Agency to 500 to enhance forest protection. 


Last year, fines for illegal forest use, violation of requirements for transportation/sale of timber, damage, and destruction of green plants in the municipality's administrative boundaries increased significantly," Mr. Otar Shamugia stated during the presentation of the 2023 report of the Ministry.


According to the Minister, having the capability to improve oversight and control is essential. In this regard, the Department of Environmental Supervision has been thoroughly re-equipped, and inspectors and environmental rapid response mobile teams have been supplied with advanced technology means such as drones, photo traps, and floating means to fight poaching on inland waterways, boats for inspection in the Black Sea area and a complete set of laboratory equipment to provide services for the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution, etc. 


Over the past five years, the number of inspections of regulated facilities has effectively doubled, reaching over 5,400 in 2023. Several changes were made to the Administrative Offences Code of Georgia, including tightening the sanctions for certain violations to prevent environmental violations.