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The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture hosts the newly appointed project manager to discuss ENPARD IV-related issues.

The First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mrs. Nino Tandilashvili, Deputies of the Minister, Mr.Tengiz Nasaridze and Mr. Kakha Kakabadze, met with the newly appointed manager of the European Neighborhood Program for Rural and Agricultural Development ENPARD IV new component in FAO, Mr. Guido Agostinucci.

The Deputy Ministers congratulated Mr. Guido Agostinucci on his appointment to the new position and expressed a desire for joint, successful cooperation.
During the meeting, the parties discussed current and future cooperation issues. 
The conversation touched upon the cooperation in the food safety, sanitary, and phytosanitary sectors, including enhancing aquaculture and laboratory capacities within the program.


According to Mr.Agostinucci, the readiness of the Ministry for the effective implementation of the project is visible, which will affect the results.
As mentioned, Georgia has achieved significant progress towards agricultural development, which is a solid basis for the effective implementation of ENPARD IV.

The Heads of the National Food Agency and the Agricultural Laboratory, including the representatives of the relevant Departments of the Ministry, attended the meeting.

As mentioned, ENPARD-IV aims to support rural development through the following initiatives: developing infrastructure and improving services in rural areas; 
strengthening women's roles in rural development; 
improving governance systems; 
sustainable management of forest resources and environmental protection. 


The program also envisages capacity building in food safety, veterinary medicine, and plant protection areas.