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Tengiz Nasaridze attends the event dedicated to the ''World Day to Combat Desertification''.

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Mr. Tengiz Nasaridze, along with the Mayor of Dmanisi Municipality, Mr.Koba Muradashvili, visited Dmanisi Municipality, where he attended the event held as part of the celebration of the ''World Day to Combat Desertification''.

''World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought'' was established under the initiative of the United Nations in 1994 and is annually celebrated on June 17.  “
 The main message for this year is “United for Land: Our Legacy. Our Future.”

It is worth mentioning that a grazing demonstration plot for controlled grazing was set up in the village of Ganakhleba,  Dmanisi municipality, as part of the project " Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Degraded Pasturelands".
The ‘’modern standard’’ pasture established on up to 40 hectares serves the residents and, at the same time, contributes to improving soil health and increasing livestock productivity.

"Such initiatives are crucial as they seek to utilize pastures through using modern methods and adopting the sustainable pasture management principle. This approach will protect the nation's pastures as a resource while also serving as a vital step toward developing cattle breeding here and in other areas, where livestock is traditionally an important direction for the residents," - noted Mr. Tengiz Nasaridze.

The Mayor of Dmanisi, Koba Muradashvili, thanked the initiators and implementers of the project for their efforts, emphasizing the significance of the pasture for the residents.
The Pasture User Associations (PUAs) received equipment for milk storage and animal care as part of the event.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus), and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) are funding the project, which is implemented on the initiative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture.