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Issues related to the Effective Management of Water Resources was discussed at the Conference

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Nino Tandilashvili  made a welcoming speech at the 6th Steering Committee Meeting of the National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management.
The environmental protection is one of the top priorities for Georgia, therefore, effective management of water resources is of utmost importance –was noted by the Deputy at the meeting.
Nino Tandilashvili has been focused on issues related to the efficient management of water resources across the country and the necessity of involvement of municipalities in the above mentioned process, she also underlined the importance of the draft law on water resources management. The Deputy thanked Donor organizations for their support in developing the draft law.
Marco Keiner, Director of the Environmental Department of the United Nations Economic Commission for UN (UNECE) stressed Georgia’s progress in developing new water legislation and noted, that Georgia has a proper policy in the management of water resources. The draft law has already been developed, which is a step forward for the country and it creates a basis to obtain a further support from the UNECE. The meeting was held within the frame of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and EU Water Initiative PLUS for the Eastern Partnership (EUWI +).
The representatives of various Ministries, UNESCO Economic Commission, EU Delegation to Georgia, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, NGOs and ongoing water management projects in Georgia attended the meeting.