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Honey cooperative plant will be built in Gori

‘’A honey processing plant will be built in Gori with the financial support of the Government. The plant will manufacture homogeneous honey and export product to foreign markets. We will try to maximally apply export potential”, Levan Davitashvili said at the first meeting of the Honey Consultants’ Committee, which was held by the initiative of the Caucasus Alliances Program.
At the meeting the Minister noted that Georgia is able to manufacture top quality honey thanks to its diverse nature.

“Beekeeping sector development is based on complex aspects and is related to a lot of issues. To this end, we need to create a communication platform and shape Board of Honey with the involvement of the Ministry, private and state organizations. The board will make focus on important issues. Mobile board and regular meetings will enable us to make progress and be efficient in decision-making process. The Council will discuss important issues. If it is a mobile council and we will have regular meetings, we will achieve progress and we will be able to make decisions, "said Levan Davitashvili.

To penetrate international markets, the Board of Honey will act as an influential association for shaping a joint plan of private and public sectors.
At the meeting Levan Davitashvili noted that the Government continues to support the beekeeping cooperatives. The Head of the Caucasus Alliance Program, Helen Bradbury, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Giorgi Khanishvili, members of the Honey Sector Advisory Committee and entrepreneurs attended the meeting with the representatives of the honey sector.