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Minister unveiled plans developed under the government program

At the joint sitting of the five committees, Parliament of Georgia, the candidate for the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Levan Davitashvili presented plans for environmental protection and agriculture developed under the frame of the government program.

Environmental field

The amendments have been implemented to improve the efficiency of the management system of the Government of Georgia. As a consequence, an environmental protection, sustainability and rational management of natural resources in parallel with the sustainable development of agriculture, became one of the top priorities in the country. Our main goal is to provide Georgian residents with sustainable and healthy environment. The economic and environmental sustainability are closely linked with each other, therefore, considering political decision-making process, we stay mostly focused on ecological and economic efficiency. This type of interaction facilitates to human well-being. Therefore, promotion of green economy is one of the essential tools for sustainable development of the country.

The  Government of Georgia will actively continue to develop a green economy by means of considering ways to eventually reduce business expenses and develop and expand new lines of business, such as, development of a sustainable transportation system,  promotion of biomass production and its use,  promotion of Green business for small and medium enterprises, development of technology-driven products and assistance to high-tech companies. In the introduction of green economy, Georgian government will promote green investments by means of taking certain initiatives, providing environmentally friendly food production, green products, clean transport, sustainable development of ecotourism and ecosystem services, growth of renewable energy, taking energy efficiency measures, introducing climate smart and ecologically clean technologies, separating and collecting waste,  providing waste-free manufacturing and promoting  the  establishment of the innovative green "start up".

These Directions are recognized in a number of countries and implemented by major international organizations (OECD, UNEP, EBRD). It should be noted, that, when a country takes the green development path, it always has significant international support and promotion. On the other hand, the steps taken towards green development will be positively reflected on the international image of our country and will allow us to join the lists of advanced developed countries.

Furthermore, systemic reforms will be further implemented in the field of environmental protection, in order to promote green economy in the country and introduce high environmental standards, more specifically:

Environmental governance

 Effective implementation of green economy system requires reforms to carry out within the environmental governance system. For this purpose, each infrastructural or industrial project needs environmental impact assessment, furthermore, environmental aspects should be considered in the formation of sectoral policy documents. At the same time, environmental decision making procedures should be more flexible for both private, public sector and for state agencies. From 2019 we plan to introduce an integrated environmental permitting system, that will be a flexible, result-oriented procedural mechanism targeted at integrated pollution prevention and control. This implies an introduction of modern environmental management principles, such as provision of the best available equipment in the enterprises and reduction of emissions. To this end, the relevant recommendations will be given to enterprises regarding technological re-equipment and access to the best available equipment. The application of complex regulation will ensure an adoption of the best available equipment for setting limits on emissions into the atmospheric air, water and soil. This will enable us to introduce new technologies in the country and gradually implement the green economy model in different sectors, in parallel with environmental concerns and their solutions. Despite the fact, that legislation envisages mechanisms to increase public awareness and involvement in the environmental decision making process, the state should make all possible efforts  to make public participation more effective at each stage of decision making.

 That's why we plan to introduce the institution of Eco-Ombudsman, which will become an important environmental review platform having a high level of trust from the governmental agencies, the business sector and society. It will be a sort of "guarantee" for corporation on environmental issues with the government, public and business sector and all interested parties.

We plan to introduce a new environmental responsibility system, the legal regulation on prevention and mitigation / elimination of any damage done to the environment. This will occur in accordance with the polluter pays principle, which is enacted to make the party responsible for paying for the damage done to the natural environment.

However we face an inevitable necessity to introduce strict environmental principles in the society, to impose financial sanctions with a deterrent effect and effective prevention mechanisms. Therefore, without enforcement of environmental law and improvement of surveillance system, it is impossible to ensure environmental standards in the country. For this purpose, the following initiatives are set:

•   To encourage and increase responsibility for violation of environmental law;

•   Introduction of effective electronic mechanisms for timber control and improvement of traceability including timber production and its sale;

•   Introduction of electronic control mechanisms for internal water reservoirs and aquaculture facilities;

•   Strengthening the capacity of the Environmental Supervision Department in the direction of environmental patrolling and quick response.

  Sectoral reforms

1. Management of Water Resources

We have planned a large-scale reforms in the water resources management system what is based on European experience, considering the interests of all water users living in the borders of river basins and prevent possible conflicts among them.

 Water quality and quantity monitoring systems will be improved, which enables us to manage and assess the quality of water resources more efficiently. Water unified information system will be developed, demonstration projects and best technologies will be implemented in order to reduce the actual loss of water in different sectors.

1. Protection of atmospheric air

In recent years, along with the urban growth and transportation, the information is frequently spread, which raises questions on air pollution and its impact on human health.

In May 2018, WHO published a report "World Health Statistics 2018", according to which, Georgia has moved from the 4th to 70th place under the mortality rate compared with the previous years data, when it took the highest 4th place.

However, it was difficult to explain the reasons for granting such a high rate, since the parameters that were based on research were not high in Georgia. Specifically, for the determination of the mortality rate, the survey envisages contamination of air and atmospheric air outside the building. The study used solid fuel consumption (in most cases -firewood), moreover, to determine the atmospheric pollutant they measured atmospheric air quality. According to these parameters Georgia is not the world's leading country at all. More specifically, the survey shows that Georgia takes the 72nd place in terms of the solid fuel consumption, although in terms of the atmospheric air quality it takes the 86th place.

last year, various state agencies have been actively communicating with the World Health Organization for the purpose of clarifying the above-mentioned incompatibility. As a result, the specification of calculation related to mortality rate caused by air pollution has also resulted in significant progress in the global ranking.

In recent years, intensive air quality monitoring networks are changed by modern stations, which allow the observation and continuous monitoring. In 2016-2017 automatic meteorological stations were installed in Tbilisi (3 units) others in cities Chiatura, Batumi, Kutaisi. From the second half of 2015 the atmospheric air quality monitoring system has been introduced and nowadays monitoring is carried out in 25 cities of this country.

In 2018 the first mobile auto-meteorological station was added to the monitoring system, which enables us to monitor the areas where information on air quality wasn’t available before. " State program on measures to facilitate the reduction of atmospheric air pollution in Tbilisi "was approved by the Government of Georgia to improve air quality monitoring and ensure air quality throughout the country.

Since January 1, 2017, the standard of petrol in Georgia has met the needs of modern European standards (Euro 5). The state control of automobile fuel quality was introduced, which is implemented by the Environmental Supervision Department. Fuel quality control is undertaken in the regions as well, with the results confirming compliance with the European norms of gasoline consumed in Georgia.

Although the air quality monitoring network has been updated and expanded in recent years, however monitoring mobile automatic stations are mainly located in cities and manufacturing regions, to this end, we plan to build automatic mobile stations in almost all regions across the country.

 To increase awareness of local residents on the quality of air in their living areas, the accurate monitoring information will be further reflected in WHO researches and we will not be depended on satellite observations, where the error is quite large.

•    a plan for implementing further measures is already developed

•    Inventory of gasoline storage and loading equipment and establishment of technical requirements for reducing the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

•    Automobile diesel fuel quality to get closer to the EU standards (Euro 4 - 2019, Euro 5 - 2020);

•    Determin the Emission Standard for the Diesel or Gasoline Vehicle

•    Enhance the regulation to minimize the impact of construction on the air quality;

•   Total Automation in Ambient Air Monitoring Networks. and further enhancement;

•   Total Automation in Ambient Air Monitoring Networks. and further enhancement;

•   Implementation of an effective technical inspection system from 2019;

•   Delivery of real time air quality monitoring data on the web-site;

•  Implementation of the forecasting system for emissions including different sectors of economy, thus giving specific recommendations to promote green technologies in different sectors.

1. Forest management

 The Government of Georgia will actively continue to implement the forest sector reform, which is complex and contains many directions. We will introduce principles of sustainable forest management in the country, which will enable us to protect forest resources and maintain ecological function of the forest and at the same time meet the social demand. Through implementation of the effective supervision / control system the pressure on forest will be reduced and alternative energy sources will be developed.

•  A new definition of forest has been adopted, which will result in identifying forest areas more accurately, it will enable accurate correction of borders, separation of ownership.

• Forestry will be restored and forest management will be carried out in accordance with the international principles and standards of sustainable forest management.

•  The "social cutting" institution will come to an end. Forestry system will meet social needs and at the same time the ecological function of forests will be maintained.

•The possibility of issuing long-term licenses for timber production will put to an end, and in turn a sustainable forest management model where wood-based production will be under the control of the Forest Management Authority will be adopted.

o  classification of forests will be considered according to their functions. The forest classification model will meet the needs of European standards (protected forest, resort and recreational forests and agricultural forest) which will further promote forest recreation and develop tourism potential in the country.

• Development of forestry aims to strengthen control mechanisms for illegal forest use by means of increasing the functions of the Department of Environmental Supervision and strengthen material-technical capabilities. The efficient use of wood and wood residues (production of briquettes and pallets) will also facilitate to the development of alternative forest resources and reduce pressure on forests. With a grant of 5.4 million euro allocated by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the country's national registry (inventory) will be introduced for the first time in the country, moreover, constantly updated information and forest monitoring system will enable effective planning and implementation of concrete measures for sustainable forest management.

The Biosphere Reserve was established for the first time in the country (Kakheti region, Akhmeta and Dedoplistskaro municipalities), aiming to put environment-related activities under the green economic rules, which gives region opportunities to obtain international financing and funds for sustainable development, it will also contribute to the export of eco friendly products into the international markets, attract tourists etc.

 For the nomination of the Biosphere Reserve, the final preparatory works are underway. In the first half of 2019 it will be nominated in the UNESCO. The forest rehabilitation activities will be carried out in three stages, namely: the rehabilitation of 943 ha in the fire-damaged area after the massive forest fire which broke out in Borjomi in August 2017 (943 ha); cultivation of 128 ha in Autumn, 2018, 85 ha in 2019, 21 ha in 2020. The study of fire damaged areas is currently underway, relevant measures are planned and will be implemented.

The National Forest Agency  takes steps for fire prevention, including purchasing of  firefighting equipment for primary use and placing fire-fighting banners (especially in densely populated areas) to avoid ecological and economic damage caused by forest fires.

1. Protection of biodiversity

A network of emerald will be established for the protection of biodiversity, which will reveal the significant species and habitats spread across the country and create adequate mechanisms for their protection.

One of the key areas of sustainable use of biodiversity is shaping the hunting sector, which requires fundamental reforms. The hunt sector strategy regulatory framework and legislative base will be prepared.

We plan to regulate the fishing sector, in a fresh way to ensure sustainable use of fish resources including development of fishery and aquaculture fields in the country.

Management of Protected Areas

In order to improve the management of protected areas, it is necessary to expand the network of protected areas on the one hand and develop the infrastructure of the protected areas to facilitate the sustainable eco tourism development in the country.

The Board to develop the National Policy for Protected Areas will be established, which will be staffed by the representatives of the governmental and non-governmental organizations. The board will promote the establishment and implementation of the management system as well as introduction of the modern management policy of the protected areas.

According to the Georgian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, the land area of the protected areas of Georgia must increase to 12% for the years 2014-2020. To achieve this goal, the following new Protected Areas are planned to establish:

• Racha National Park

• Erusheti National Park

• Pontus oak Reserve

• Protected areas of Paravani and Evening lakes

• Aragvi protected landscape

• Truso protected landscape

• Establishment of natural monuments.

 As a result: the area of protected areas will be increased from 595 963 hectares to 764 500 hectares.

The National Agency of Protected Areas manages 20 territorial administrations, 10 of which have an operational management plan. In order to improve the management system of protected areas, new management plans will be further developed for the administration of 6 Protected Areas.

• Membership in the European Parks Federation - in June of this year, the Agency of Protected Areas became a member of the European Parks Federation.

• Negotiations with KFW - Negotiations on a new phase of an open program with the German Reconstruction and Development Bank are underway

• Signing the grant agreement with Global Conservation Fund - The project envisages financial and technical support of 250,000 USD for improvement of patrol systems in Borjomi-Kharagauli Protected Areas.

•  In cooperation with the Czech Development Agency, it is planned to study and further develop the potential of Georgia's caves, including the establishment of new protected areas.

• With the financial support of the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency, the fire safety equipment will be purchased for the Agency for APA administrations.

• Membership in IUCN Green List - includes preparing selected protected areas for IUCN Green List.

New eco-touristic facilities will be opened this year:

• Navenakevi cave;

• Kinchkha Waterfall Natural Monument;

• Satsurblia cave;

• Algeti National Park Administrative and Visitor Center;

• Administrative and Visitor Center of Machakhela National Park;

•  Arrangement / development of new eco-tourism infrastructure is planned:

• Construction of the Information Center of Georgian Protected Areas will be planned in Rike Park;

• Construction of Pshav-Khevsureti National Park Administrative and Visitor Center;

• Through financial support of the World Bank, under the third phase of the Regional Development Program (RDP 3) implemented by the Municipal Development Fund the concept of Tbilisi National Park will be developed which will be followed by the infrastructure development activities

•   • Setting up tourist-information center of Mariamjavari State Reserve;

•   • small infrastructure on Dashbashi canyon (eco-tourist trail, turret platform) to set up.

•   • Development of small eco-tourism infrastructure is planned (hiking trail, cottages) in Eagle Gorge.

•   • arrangement of Visitor Centers for the following Protected Areas: Kazbegi, Algeti, Machakhela, Lagodekhi, Borjomi, Kharagauli, Vashlovani, Kintrishi.

•   • Arrangement of Via Ferrata in Borjomi with the financial support of CNF;

•   • Arrangement of High Rope Adventure Park in Mtirala and Algeti National Parks;

1. Waste management

Waste management and waste pollution prevention is a major priority for the country. Illegally placed household hazardous waste or landfills contaminate soil and water. Wrong management of waste, such as burning oils and plastics produce environmental harmful emissions, which pose a substantial hazard for human health, environment and society. Uncontrolled and disastrous landfills along with aesthetic problem is a potential source of various diseases. This is a serious impediment for tourism development in the country. To overcome this challenge and ensure an environmental protection and human health safety we have planned waste prevention, reuse, recycling and restoration activities. Landfills will be closed , modern regional landfills and waste loading stations is also planned to arrange. We are going to reduce environmental pollution and waste of new products, including improvement of energy efficiency and business sector involvement in this process.

Consequently, implementation of the following specific measures is outlined:

Promoting introduction of modern technologies for waste prevention, recycling. Creating recycling system for municipal solid waste including separation and collection of waste. Expanding scope of liability for product manufacturers and its efficient implementation implies involvement of product manufacturers, including engagement of importers in waste management and their participation in collecting and processing of waste (packaging waste, electrical and electronic wastes, used tires, work oils, accumulators, or vehicles taken from the use). Develop and implement measures for reducing plastic waste and prohibiting using of certain plastic bags;

In cooperation with the EU to create and implement modern systems of hazardous waste management (collecting, recycling, placement);

1.Soil protection

Today, one of the most important challenges is to maintain the soil fertility, which is directly related to the development of the agricultural sector. For this purpose, the state with the help of donors will restore and develop the windbreaks and implement activities to raise farmers awareness regarding how to maintain soil fertility and reduce degradation caused by different factors. We will be able to reduce degraded soils and take activities to restore and improve the soil quality.

Managing Natural Hazards, Reducing Risks

The Government of Georgia will take measures to minimize risks of natural disasters caused by climate change. In the beginning of 2018 Georgia received funding from Climate Green Fund and allocated $ 27 million. The project aims to take preventive measures against landslides, mudflows, soil erosion and flooding in Georgia to minimize damage caused by the climate change.

The project includes expanding of the hydro-meteorological network, creating a standardized as well as specialized monitoring network (radar, aerial) that will provide timely assessment of the risks of natural disasters. The expansion of early warning system will help population to avoid and prevent a significant portion of the devastation caused by natural disasters. To avoid, mitigate and prevent negative effects caused by natural disasters, under the state budget and international assistance projects we plan to implement weather and hydrological forecasts, we aim to introduce high-resolution weather prediction models and improve spatial and temporal resolution of forecasts.

The field of Agriculture

The government aims to provide and implement agrarian policy, which is targeted at increasing competitive production and promoting financial resources in this sector of the economy.

Strategic vision of agricultural development is clearly defined in the agriculture and rural development strategies of Georgia, which, based on sustainable development principles, envisages creation of an environment that will promote the growth of competitiveness in the agricultural sector, steady increase of high quality production, provision of food security, food safety and will subsequently contribute to rural poverty reduction.

The growing demand for high quality agricultural products intensifies competition in the global and local markets and is regarded as one of the main challenges for Georgian agro food products. To get closer to Europe, develop transportation links, increase local and regional demand on agro-food products and possibilities to increase existing production make Georgia even more attractive in terms of the agribusiness development.

The signing of the "Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area" Agreement (DCFTA) has created a real perspective for Georgian products to enter the EU market. Reforms adopted under the frame of the Association Agreement with the EU cover all directions, especially it addresses food safety.

 Georgian entrepreneurs have opportunities to gradually introduce international and European standards. As a result, the production quality and supply of quality products will increase, and products will gain a competitive advantage in different markets.

In the nearest future, agricultural development will be based on three main directions: farmers' cooperatives, small and medium enterprises, large intensive enterprises.

Growing export of agro-food products: trends, plans, expression of interests, promotion of self-sufficiency. In recent times, positive trends are observed in the export of agricultural products, important activities targeted at market diversification were carried out. According to the data of 2017, Georgia exported 777 million US dollars worth of agro products, which is 12% more compared with the 2016 data and 52.2% more than the same data for 2012. A number of activities will be undertaken to reduce negative trade balance in the agricultural sector and promote further growth of agricultural products.

All the enterprises financed under the "Unified Agro Project", which benefit from co-financing program for processing and storing enterprises are obliged to introduce ISO-22000 or HACCP international standards.

The Association Agreement with the European Union includes Georgian legislation to get closer to the EU legislation especially in the fields of food safety, veterinary and phyto sanitary. Whereby, the DCFTA creates a closer economic integration of Georgia with the EU which will be implemented within the terms specified in the agreement. The agreement includes protection of consumers health and life, considers consumer interests, animal health and welfare, as well as plant protection, introduction of European standards in the internal market,  increase export potential of agricultural products. It gives Georgians an opportunity to easily bring their products to the EU market. Allows Georgians to export their products to the EU,  DCFTA has already brought a significant profit for Georgian entrepreneurs who have exported some of their products to the EU market.

Important attention will be paid to the popularization of agro-food products in local and international markets. The strategic plan for popularization of Georgian wine and vine has been developed, aiming to create Georgian wine as a competitive category and promote its establishment on the target markets, all the above mentioned helps to increase awareness of Georgian wine on the international markets and reach export market target. In 2017 an unprecedented amount of wine was exported for the first time in the 25 year history of independent Georgia .

 Due to deliberate policy pursued by the state and productive cooperation with the private sector. In 2017, 76.7 million bottles (0.75 l) were exported in 54 countries around the world, which is 54% higher than the same figure in 2016.  The total value of the exported wine rose to 170 million US dollars,  which is 49% more than the indicator in 2016.

The berry fruit cultivation development project will be launched to increase the export potential of the berry-fruit industry in the country. As a result: new berries gardens are planted in 900 hectares, in 18 municipalities (50 hectares in each municipality).

As for berry development phases, the production will reach up to 6 900 tons for the 4th year (of fruit bearing), which will amount to 28,480,000 GEL.

Recently, one-year-old cultures have been replaced with high-value perennial crops (stone fruits, seeds, nut and berries).

The modern gardens are currently cultivated on 5,200 hectares under the program "Plant the Future", which continues to promote the cultivation of perennial gardens. The agro insurance project will be continued to support farmers interests.

The measures will be implemented in the field of farming registry and geo information system for sustainable land use in order to promote the rational management of agricultural land fund, agricultural land market development and targeted use of agriculture land.

• The state will support the development of the post-harvest technologies - storing, packaging, sorting, processing and distributing. This will ensure integrating the whole value chain with all added components.

•  The interest in greenhouses is significantly increased in the country. Over the last four years, the number of greenhouses almost doubled, which partially replaced open ground areas;

• Support for greenhouse farming will be continued in the future, which at the same time serves as the maximum utilization of export potential as well as the replacement of non-seasonal import with local products.

The project "Imereti Agro zona" aims to stimulate the maximum utilization of the traditional export sector in the west part of Georgia, particularly to promote greenhouse sector (green herbs and greenhouse vegetables), and to increase earnings from export. As a result, in 2-3 years the production will be doubled in Imereti region;

Annual export revenue will be increased and reach to 21 million US dollars; The number of exported products will be 5,500 tons; Added value will be created which will amount to USD 6.5 million.

The irrigation programs will be continued, as a result, the irrigated and drained areas will be increased, developed and improved in the country. The modern irrigation systems will be gradually introduced. For 2020, hydro-ameliorated areas will be increased by 15-20%;

It is important to note, that sub-component have been added to the preferential agro credit components, including: mechanization, which means to provide preferential agro-credit financial resources to purchase agricultural machinery and / or technical equipment. Agro leasing aims to provide preferential agro-leasing to finance agricultural machinery / or implements;

Programs focused on the development of agricultural cooperatives will be further continued; In addition, in order to improve the competitiveness of farmers, with the active cooperation with the international organizations, different agricultural programs will be implemented.

Including arrangement of demonstration land plots equipped with modern technologies, practical field training of farmers will be provided for small farmers (maximum amount of USD 15,000 equivalent in GEL) and large grants will be allocated for agribusiness (maximal A. 75 000 USD equivalent in GEL).

Young entrepreneurs' support program "Young Entrepreneur" has already been launched. The main goal of the program is to provide financial and technical assistance to young people, promote economic growth in the regions and reduce rural poverty. 250 young entrepreneurs will be financed within 2 years, the total budget amounts to 9.5 million GEL. 57 business plans were approved in May 30, 2018.

Under the international cooperation, two new projects will be implemented, which will promote competitiveness of diary and meat producers/ entrepreneurs and increase their production in rural areas. Small grant programs are considered to be implemented. The total investment of projects amounts to 26 million US dollars. Eventually our continuous interest will lead us to attract more investors and business operators, we will be able to create primary processing modern agricultural enterprises. A number of stimulating instruments to increase small, medium and big business operators’ interest and their field of activities will be offered to them.
