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The People's Republic of China plans to implement new projects

 The representatives of the Hunan Agriculture Group, Universities, private and state organizations of the People's Republic of China held an official visit to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. The Chinese side aiming to catalyze further investments in Georgia presented the partnership plan.

 The official meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Yuri Nozadze, Director of the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, Levan Ujmajuridze and other staff members.

 "Our countries have signed a free trade agreement.  Georgia has a growing trend in agricultural (mainly in wine and alcoholic beverages ) exports and import. We have a great perspective to increase wine exports In China and we are working in this direction " -said Yuri Nozadze.

 At the meeting Georgian and Chinese sides have been focused on the livestock development related issues and expressed their wish to cooperate and make investments in livestock and piggery. The Hunan Agricultural Group is one of the largest exporter of pork meat. The sides also discussed issues to provide Georgian farmers with training programs in China.

 It is noteworthy, that under the frame of the technical cooperation between Georgia and the People's Republic of China, the Hunan Agricultural Group has built the modern greenhouse complex " on 5 hectares of the land area of the LEPL Scientific-Research Center. The complex is comprised of 6 large and 27 small greenhouses. The project also provided around 500 Georgian farmers and other interested persons with  training programs in China. The above mentioned project amounted to 20 million yuan (3 million US dollars).