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Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Levan Davitashvili summed up the activities implemented in 2018

The first anniversary of the consolidated Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture has come around, therefore, recapitulating activities implemented in 2018 is very important for us. We developed an adequate institutional system and strengthened our environmental priorities throughout the year. The adoption of the renewed National Environmental Action Plan is regarded as one of the most remarkable results achieved in 2018, where all priorities are well reflected. This is a major political document comprising international obligations taken under the Association Agreement, Agreements and Conventions, as well as priorities of the country.
Accordingly, in 2018, we planned and developed important political documents, main legislative projects, including- Water Resources Draft Bill, important regulations on soil and air, as well as new draft law on biodiversity and environmental responsibility.
We have a list of significant achievements and accomplishments.The National Environmental Agency has created a modern laboratory (equipped with modern standards), which permits to test the air, soil and water samples at the highest level. We have taken important steps in terms of establishing air control and monitoring system, which is well developed and crusial for all of us.
For the first time in Georgia, we purchased a mobile station, which allows us to monitor the quality of air; As a result, we get an immediate information on air pollution. Next year we will launch an Air Monitoring Portal.

Green Economy
The Prime Minister of Georgia has declared a Green Economy as the top priority direction in the country – thus, for the first time, ecopolitics has gained a higher level of importance. In general, the further development of the economy, including agriculture, is based on the principle of sustainable development as well as inclusion.
Our main priorities in respect of rural development will be in full compliance with the European approaches and standards. The most important challenge faced by our country  is to overcome poverty, our Ministry makes endeavors to help rural communities, to promote agriculture and farming which are the main sources of income in rural areas and  the standard of living in rural areas to get closer to the standard of living in the city.
Thereby, the Ministry has added an important new initiatives to the agricultural development programs. In 2018, with the support of our Danish friends, we launched a very important and popular young farmers' support program.

National Environmental Agency 
In 2018, the air quality research was started in the areas adjacent to the schools and gardens in Tbilisi; The studies were conducted in different places embracing 44 locations, including schools and gardens. The studies revealed, that the lead content meets the norm in all above mentioned locations. This year the first Air Quality Mobile Station has been launched in Georgia, which enables to conduct the air quality testing in Tbilisi and in all regions of Georgia. 
In 2018 the modern laboratory was opened, which enables to make testing and analysis of the quality of atmospheric air, soil and water. In the river Nenskra in Chuberi, water level  and sediment measuring devices were installed. The project is financed by the Green Climate Fund, which aims to create early warning systems for natural hydrological and geological phenomena in Georgia and evaluate natural disasters.
Preparatory works to replace the meteorological, weather radar in the adjacent territory of Kutaisi are underway, this will enable to predict expected weather forecast in west part of Georgia and give warnings on the natural processes in a more accurate manner.
In 2018, for the first time, the acoustic ppppp survey of the Black Sea coastal resources, as well as an assessment of fish resources was carried out. Experts of the National Environmental Agency, within the expedition, had an opportunity to gain an experience from Turkish experts and get familiar how to use the latest, modern equipment.
The research  aimed to count the fish stock in the Black Sea. At the same time, similar devices were purchased by the National Environmental Agency for Fisheries and Black Sea Monitoring Service in the end of the year. The specialists, on the basis of the gained experience will be able to calculate the amount of fish stock in the Black Sea through a completely new, modern equipment – echo sounder. Our specialists will be able to conduct high-quality studies that address issues of accuracy, while counting fish stocks. Consequently our country will get more revenue from the fishery sector.
National Environmental Agency plans to implement important reforms to develop electronic systems. Im 2019, the agency will present new plans.

"Preferential Agrocredit" and "Plant the Future"
Within the frame of the state project "preferential agro-credit", more than  32,600 loans comprising of 1 billion 240 million gel and 247 million US $ were issued as a working capital and for basic means. As a result, 185 new enterprises were created and 880 more were re-equipped. The main areas include cattle-breeding, plant growing, fruit-growing. Within the frame of the program "Plant the Future", more than 5,600 ha of perennial fruit garden were planted on more than 5,600 ha. The state co-financing exceeded 30 million gel. With the introduction of the project, old gardens were renewed.
In order to support the development of the blue bilberry, blackberry and raspberry intensive gardens, changes were introduced in the project "Plant the Future", under the frame of the sub-component, in the certain regions, 100% of the seedlings will be financed ( in case of purchasing them at the local market, as well as in case of their import).
In 2018, one of the most important initiatives aimed to finance agricultural mechanization; For the first time in Georgia, the funding of agricultural mechanization became possible through agro-credit - agro-loans, or cheap and preferential loans. It should be noted, that grants will be provided for farmers in the future as well.
Project "Young Entrepreneur"
One of the main priorities for rural development is to promote young generation and encourage rural employment. That is why the project "Young Entrepreneur" was created, in which young people will be awarded by the government with the 40% of their own startup costs (grants will be provided as a form of funding). The project was launched in 2018 and was signed by more than 100 young people.

• Agro-insurance
One of the most essential tools for sustainable and long-term development of agriculture is to improve farmers' access  to agro insurance ( as a means of a financial instrument ). With the state support, farmers insure their harvest from the expected disaster (hail, flood, hurricanes, and frosts).
From 2014, year to year, on average, harvest was insured on 15,000 hectares. From the beginning of the project, farmers got a compensation of more than GEL 29 million.

Georgian Wine
In 2013-2018, grape growers earned GEL 950 million in Kakheti and Racha-Lechkhumi regions. Positive indicators in the wine sector make possible to reject subsidies on 2018 grape harvest. and the price of grapes is depended on the full market economy.This progress was resulted by the financial and marketing programs implemented by state.
In 2018, 242 thousand tons of grapes were processed by 292 companies throughout the country, which is a record number in the history of independent Georgia. The price of grape amounted to more than 312 million gel.
More than 235 thousand tons of grapes amounting 288 mln gel were processed in Kakheti region, as of Racha-Lechkhumi region, the number of Aleksandrouli and Mujureteli grape varieties amounted to 1492 tons. As a result of the sale (2 700 tons) of grapes, the income of Racha-Lechkhumi population reached GEL 15 mln. (In 2012, 52 thousand tons were processed across the country).

Wine export
The export of agricultural products from Georgia reached a record number-a billion gel in 2018, although the final data will be defined in January. This is an unprecedented data regarding agro products export from Georgia. Traditional branches are of utmost importance - such as winemaking. About 300 million dollars are received from the export of grape origin products, furthermore, the export of wine from Georgia was significantly increased and this was a precondition of a successful grape harvest received in 2018. It was a record number. Over 200,000 tons of grapes were processed. It is important, that the population earned more than 300 million gel.
By the end of 2018, wine export amounts to approximately 100 million bottles. In January-November 2018, the volume of wine export has reached to 78 million bottles, that is 11% compared to the same period of the previous year. The 11-month-long indicator of the current year has already exceeded the total exports in 2017.
Exported wine in the period of  January-November 2018 reached 184.1 million US dollars, which is  19% increase in comparison with the same period of the previous year. In 2012, Georgia exported 23 million bottles: in 2013 - 46.7 million, in 2014- 60 million, in 2015 - 36 million in 2015 - 50 million,  in 2016- 50 mln.
In 2013-2018, Georgian wine was presented on 500 different international exhibitions and tasting events throughout the world, including EU countries, Japan, USA, China, South Korea and others. More than 100 wine tours were organized and conducted for media representatives and wine professionals. This year, Georgian wine was presented in all important wine exhibitions and events across the world. Georgian wine companies in 13 countries of the world participated in 26 exhibitions of wine and alcoholic drinks and up to 160 tasting-events. The presentations of Georgian wine were conducted; 13 wine tours for media representatives and wine professionals were arranged. 2018 was an important year in terms of the protection of appellations of origin, that is the geographical denomination of a country, region, or locality.

"Georgia - the cradle of wine"
On November 13, 2017, the Scientific Journal of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (PNAS) published a research article ‘’Early Neolithic Wine of Georgia in the South Caucasus’’, which included the study of archaeological material found on the territory of Georgia confirming, that wine was made on the territory of Georgia 8 thousand years ago. 
The research was carried out within the project "Georgian Vine and Wine Culture Survey", implemented by the National Wine Agency since 2014. The above-mentioned scientific conclusions came to the attention of world media, articles were published in all leading news and scientific publications (The New York Times, BBC, CNN, The Guardian, National Geographic, Washingtonpost, etc.).
In 2018, under the project, the study of the ancient grape – wine ‘’remains’’, Georgian grape varieties, wild vine diversity survey, clay pitcher and clay systematization, as well as research on early Neolithic and its subsequent period was further continued. The studies also included the impact of climatic peculiarities on viticulture in different regions of Georgia and discription of climatic peculiarities as well. 
 Also, a joint publication of the project on the discovery of the ancient wine remains in the territory of Georgia was published in the journal of the American Academy of Sciences, PNAS.
Vineyard cadastre and Quality Control
The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture has been implementing a major program for the development of the Viticulture and Winemaking sector - a project of vineyard cadastre. The project started in 2014 in Racha-Lechkhumi region, 2015 in Kvareli, 2016 in Telavi, 2017 - Akhmeta and in 2018 - in Gurjaani municipality. In 2018, a part of the vineyards of Gurjaani municipality: 12 355 vineyards include - 4 657.69 hectares.
This area covers following zones: Mukuzani, Akhasheni and Vazisubani. Cadastral works will be completed in 2019 in Gurjaani municipality.
Electronic systems of registration and certification were introduced. In order to improve the quality of wine and alcoholic beverages, the legislative amendments were introduced in the Law of Georgia on Vine and Wine in 2017.
In 2018, the process of updating legislative and normative documents in the wine sector was continued. The name "Khashmi Saperavi" was registered,  marking  as "Preserved Appellation Wines". The registration of other ‘’Preserved Appellation Wines" is underway, including "Bolnisi", "Magrani Kisi", "Akhmeta Green"; The work is underway to update the specifications of the denomination of origin wines. 
The forest
The National Forestry Agency continued to pilot those projects, which were launched in the previous years. Subsequently, the agency regains its forestry farming function. In 2018, significant amendments were made in the forest law, including forest use regulations, according to which, the use of high quality timber resourses for social purposes is prohibited. Therefore, we think, that the Forest Agency has taken the first steps towards sustainable forest management.
This process requires a fundamental, solid legislative basis. In 2019, with the adoption of the new Forest Code, the country will acquire a new legislative space; However, considering existing regulations, important steps have already been taken to improve the sustainable forest management system in the country. Forest protection is one of the biggest challenges faced by the forestry sector.
In 2019, a specialized forest patrol department will be established in Georgia to provide a better control of Georgia's forests and protect natural resources; Although proper use of these resources through sustainable management principles is also very important. 
It is important to note, that forest restoration activities are successfully implemented in the country. In Borjomi gorge, in the fall of 2018, in 2008 and in August of 2017, the tree planting campaign was launched to restore the damaged forest. The restoration works of the forest was carried out on 144 ha. The fire damaged area covered 943 hectares. At the first stage (2018-2019) restoration will include 250 ha of area. The events will be continued and we are sure to successfully complete the rehabilitation process.
Protected Territories
According to the data of 11 months of 2018, the number of visitors to the protected areas of Georgia (1 088 157 visitors) was increased by 15% compared to the 11 months data of the previous year. The activities are underway to increase protected areas. The draft law was created on the creation of Aragvi and Truso protected landscapes, including the establishment of the Pontus Oak Reserve in Guria region.
In addition, Georgia's Parliament adopted amendments  during the first hearing according to which, the area of Kazbegi National Park will be increased by 69 518 hectares. The draft law also envisages reclassification of Kintrishi Protected Landscape and State Reserve and, consequently, establishment of Kintrishi National Park and Kintrishi State Nature Reserve.
On the basis of the amendments, accurate information regarding geographic coordinates obtained by demarcation of Algeti National Park, Kintrishi Protected Areas (Kintrishi National Park and Kintrishi State Reserve) Chachuni Reserve, Ktsia-Tabatskuri Reserve and Terobi Managed Reserve will be reflected in the law.
We should note, that branding is an important direction. A new brand platform of new parks was created to increase the number of visitors. In 2018, the number of visitors was increased by 25%. 
According to the data of 22 December 2018, 33 rehabilitation projects of amelioration infrastructure was completed within the frame of the construction and rehabilitation plan. As a result, irrigation activities were carried out on 6 600 hectares; drainage works were carried out on 1,000 hectares.
Within the rehabilitation / exploitation, in 2018 1883 km amelioration channel was cleaned. 1 headquarters, 2 pumping stations, 2009 units of different type hydraulic structures were repaired.
In 2018 (March-September) LLC "Georgian Melioration" carried out capital reconstruction of river Rioni  Hydroelectric power regulation building in Poti. The construction has the maximum Water holding capacity and protects the agricultural areas from flooding in Poti and Khobi municipalities.
  From September 2012 to September 2018, 249 rehabilitation of the melioration infrastructure projects was completed in Georgia. At present, 127,000 hectares of agricultural land is irrigated, and the drained area includes 37 900 hectares.
Agricultural Cooperation

In 2015-2017, within the State Program of "Supporting Agricultural Beekeeping Cooperatives ", 18,433 beehives for 30% of their true value were delivered to 203 cooperatives which is comprised of 2185 shareholders.
Within the frame of the State Program to Support Beekeeping Agricultural Cooperatives honey processing cooperative will be constructed in the village Berbuki, Gori Municipality. The factory will be able to receive at least two tons of honey per day, processing, storage, including making pine honey.  
In 2018, under the State Program to Support Dairy Production Agricultural Cooperatives, 10 milk processing enterprises will be launched. 10 Grape processing enterprises were built under the State Program of Supporting Viticulture Agricultural Cooperatives.
Most of Georgia's territory is mountainous. The big part of agricultural land is defined as an area under mowing and pasture. Moreover, significant results were achieved in cooperation with the Cooperative Development Agency. In almost all highland regions, we have established cooperatives, which are engaged in livestock breeding activities, aimig to use pastures and grass hay in mountainous regions more efficiently.
The hay-pastures are still under the state ownership. The state should provide a responsible distribution  of land. We gave cooperatives an opportunity to have an access to the food base; We have provided farmers with the food processing techniques. Farmers engaged in livestock have an opportunity to increase production, consolidate their own forces. We started construction of processing plant in Pshavi.
10 agricultural cooperatives have been involved in the State Program on Rational Use of the State-owned Grasslands in the Regions", the state-owned grasslands will be delivered / granted to them with a lease of 25-year, equipment will be given to cooperatives to produce food for livestock for 10% of its value.
Under the state program, Milk processing cooperative plants will be constructed in village Ganakhleba, Tsalka Municipality, in village Tbeti in Tsalka municipality and in village Kotelia in Akhalkalaki municipality, which will be opened in 2019. Each enterprise will produce 10 tons of milk daily. Under the program, the construction of another enterprise will be completed by the end of the year in the village Shuapkho, in Dusheti municipality.

National Food Agency
From 2012, significant steps were taken to protect consumers' interests. Under the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement with the European Union (DCFTA), the introduction of new regulations is implemented and legislative basis is rather improved. Food control has been increased in the consumer market;
The inspection of preschool, school facilities, catering facilities, agrarian markets and animal slaughter houses is constantly implemented. From February 2018, according to the Decree of the Government of Georgia, temporary measures of risk management will be launched regarding production, processing and selling spices.
With the help of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a new program for animal identification and registration (NAITS) started in 2017; According to the 9 months data of 2018, 28 808 small animals are identified.
Five veterinary surveillance points to control cattle stock routes operate across the country. The animals are treated against parasites and various diseases in veterinary points. According to the 9 months data of 2018, aproppriate veterinary care and treatment were provided to 6 119 cattle and 383 093 small livestock.

Asian Stink Bug
We faced challenges in 2018. Challenges were associated with the harmful diseases, including Asian stink bug etc. The Ministry has taken control over the problem that was actually emerged in 2016. In 2017, the situation in the country was improved significantly. According to the international experts, Georgia will defeat the Asian Stink Bug.
In 2019 we will have an increased scale of activities that will be based on the experience gained in the previous years. We have reduced losses in agricultural crops. The involvement of farmers was important and the role of media in this regard is very important, as each residents have an opportunity to take measures offered by the state to reduce the population of the invasive pest. In 2018, the state has taken treatment on 780,000 hectares of area. 50 thousand  traps like "attract and kill" stations were allocated across the country.
In 2018, together with the Hazelnut Production Association, farmers have successfully tried to introduce the new approach of farming, 1500 farmers have got the high quality hazelnut. We are going to extend this approach and embrace at least 15,000 farmers in 2019, and eventually Georgian hazelnut will take back its high export position on the market.  

Scientific-Research Center
The Scientific-Research Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia opened a test-demonstration base for one-year and perennial crops in the village Lesichine, Chkhorotsku municipality, Samegrelo region. The construction of the sericulture station is underway in the village Tsilkani, Mtskheta-Mtianeti region.
Within the frame of the project "Mobile Extension" implemented by the Research Center, in 2018, 7500 farmers were provided with consultations in 150 villages throughout Georgia; 43 training and 28 field days were held across the country. The program has been implemented since 2016 and aims to support local farmers and provide them with consultations. The project covers all regions of Georgia.

National Nursery
From 2016, National Nursery reproduces species of the Red List of Georgia. At present, the nursery reproduces up to 1 000 000 seedlings of 17 species. For the first time in the South Caucasus, artificial breeding of trout streams included in the "Red List" is conducted. Today, 10 000 trout streams are multiplied. The goal of the project is to increase the number of fish in different rivers of Georgia.
In 2017-2018, the nursery was actively working on restoration of burnt slopes. In the summer of 2017, drip irrigation system at 26 000 km was arranged and 3,000 trees were planted in the fire damaged slope in Mtatsminda .


Environment Information and Education Center
Within the frame of the small government and e-governance concept, the platform "Environmental Information and Knowledge Management System", which, along with other important functions provides a collection and analysis of environmental information in a uniform space and ensures access to reliable, timely and important environmental data. 
Within the frame of the School Preparedness Program, in 2010, an Assistant Manual "Pre-school Environmental Education" was developed, in order to introduce the book successfully, training of the kindergartens staff is taking place across Georgia. Currently, 630 precschool teachers and methodologists are trained in Tbilisi and Kakheti regions.
Waste management
The rule for regulating the plastic and biodegradable bags, directed towards the reduction / prevention of polyethylene bags and development / promotion of biodegradable and composting bags are approved by the Government of Georgia (Resolution # 472; 14.09.2018). On the basis of the resolution, from 1 October 2018, the production, import and sale of plastic bags with thicknesses less than 15 microns will be banned aiming to reduce the environmental pollution.
In accordance with the Waste Management Code, extended producer responsibility (EPR) is planned to be implemented from December 1, 2019. Intensive work will be continued with central and local authorities, international and donor organizations, other stakeholders and private business representatives in this direction. Normative documents ( drafts ) are developed on each specific waste. Stakeholders are engaged in consultations and discussions.
Measures against plastic and glass bottles will be taken to introduce a "Deposit system", which will enable users to put a large part of the bottles back and reduce disposing of garbage in landfills largely responsible for causing solid waste pollution.