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New Forest Code will be launched in 2019

Today, at the Government session, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Levan Davitashvili presented a new forest code, which was created under the initiative of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and is considered as the most important component of the forestry sector reform. After 4 years of work, with the help of the EU, the final version of the Code was prepared. Apart from the Association Agreement with the European Union, the draft law responds to the National Forest Concept approved by the Parliament of Georgia and Government Plans for 2013 and establishes principles of sustainable forest management. According to the draft law,  the so-called unsustainable management of forests will be replaced with the sustainable forest farming system ( forest management authorities / bodies will be changed, instead of forestry agency's legal status, legal person of private law with 100% participation share of state will be established).
The creation of forest farming system will help to improve and maintain the quality and quantity of forests, to fight against different invasive species of pests and diseases, restore forests. Furthermore, legal access to timber and firewood will be available for Georgian residents, that could result in the employment rate to increase in the regions, as well as to support biomass production and increase energy efficiency. 
The draft law establishes legal bases for management of forest resources in accordance with their functional purpose. The forests in Georgia might be divided into 4 main categories. The principle of sustainable forest management should be introduced in Georgia considering ecological, social and economic functions of the country. Taking into account the main functional purpose of forests and their values, the aesthetic and recreational importance of Georgian forests will be further developed, including potential for resort development. Moreover, the use of non-timber resources, as well as protection of forests, employment rate and budget revenue will be increased. 
The new and simplified approaches how to use the forest will be introduced and advantages will be given to multiple-use purposes. The strict rules will be applied regarding removal of existing forests, which will facilitate to the gradual achievement of the main goal for sustainable forest management.
The wrong concept / understanding  of forest fund will come to an end in accordance with the new forest code and new definition of forest in compliance with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will enter into force, under which the international obligations and reporting will be provided and the number of forest covered areas will be increased, in other case, forest areas removed quite unconsciously over the last 20-30 years or licensed areas will become a subject to legal regulation.
The procedure for issuing long-term licenses for forests will come to an end, however, existing licences might be used untill they are expired. The licensing is replaced by the above mentioned forest farms, which is considered as the best European practice.
On the other hand, restoration of forest farming requires a big staff of professional foresters (forest workers). Under the draft law, the participation of such personnel in forest management is mandatory. As a result, the number of employees will be increased and qualified foresters will be promoted.
The forest use, maintenance and restoration will become mandatory according to the ten years plan of forest management. Consequently,  the management plans approved under the national forest inventory will become obligatory to fulfill. In addition, internationally recognized national forest accounting system will help the country to make political decisions and conduct international reporting.