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We will be able to reduce plastic pollution Levan Davitashvili said

The World Environment Day is marked on June 5th. The overall goal of this event is to increase public awareness and responsibility towards environment protection and actively engage them in all those activities, campaigns and events which are targeted at environmental protection and sustainable development. The theme for 2018 is "Beat Plastic Pollution". The plastic production has increased dramatically in many countries around the world including Georgia. "As it is known, most of the environment is damaged by wastes from plastic products, residual plastic substances require more than 100 years for complete disintegration.

" Since consumption of plastic bags is a global problem, many countries have developed certain regulations to reduce their consumption. The application on technical regulation for degradable plastic products will start in 2018. Therefore, taking into consideration the above mentioned circumstances and international practice, the technical regulations will be adopted, which will set limits on the rotation of plastic bags of a certain thickness. By means of a new regulation, with the support and engagement of each citizen we will be able to reduce the pollution of the environment "said Levan Davitashvili, Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia.

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution designating June 5 as the World Environment Day. On this day, the UN Conference was opened in Stockholm, which was dedicated to discuss problems of human environment. On the initiative of the United Nations, June 5 is dedicated to one of the most important environmental issues.