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The National Report on the State of the Environment is underway to develop

 Three-day workshop aiming to develop National Report on the State of the Environment was held at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Tbilisi. The experts from the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Slovak Environment Agency (SEA) headed the meeting.The representatives of other governmental agencies along with the officials of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and its agencies participated in the workshop.

 The National Report on the state of Environment prepared once in four years is regarded as a summarizing document of all existing information on the state of the environment of Georgia. The collaboration with international experts as well as sharing their experience is very important for us especially in the national report development process- was noted by the representative of the Environment and Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, Lasha Akhalaia.

 The Head of the National Statistics Office of Georgia, Agricultural and Environmental Statistics Division, Vasil Tsakadze underlined the importance of this workshop and noted, that the experience shared by the International experts will help to determine environmental indicators and assessing status of the environment conditions and trends.

 The Workshop was conducted under the " Implementation of the principles and practices of the Shared Environmental Information System in the Eastern Partnership countries (ENI SEIS II East), which was funded by the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI) and contributed to sharing environmental information to the public.

 The implementation of the principles and practices of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) improves the quality of environmental information, thus contributing to effective and knowledge-based policy making.

 It is noteworthy, that the four-year project is implementing the principles of Shaired Environmental Information Systems (SEIS), which is based on the activities carried out in six Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) in 2010-2015. The goal of the project is to enhance relations between EU and Eastern Partnership countries through strengthening environmental governance and protection.

 The project analyzes the situation in the following areas: air pollution and climate change, water resources, biodiversity, land resources, agriculture, energy, transport and waste and will be continued until 2019.