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Agencies of the Ministry




Decree of Government of Georgia №112 
6 March 2018 


On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia 


Article 1 


In accordance with the first paragraph of Article 17 of the Law of Georgia “On the structure, powers and rules of activity of the Government of Georgia”, the attached “Regulation on the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia” is approved. 


Article 2 
In accordance with Article 25, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph “b” of the Law of Georgia on Normative Acts, the following shall be declared invalid: 


1. Resolution N572 of the Government of Georgia, dated 23 of December, 2016 “On Approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia”. 


2. Resolution of the Government of Georgia No.485 dated 28 December, 2012 “On approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia”. 


Article 3 

The decree will come into force on March 15, 2018. 


Prime Minister                                                                                            Giorgi Kvirikashvili


Regulations on the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia 


Article 1. General Provisions 

1. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) is established in accordance with the Constitution of Georgia and the Law of Georgia “On the structure, powers and regulations of the Government of Georgia”, is an institution of executive power exercising the powers vested in it by the legislation of Georgia in order to ensure the implementation of state administration and state policy in the sphere entrusted to it. 


2. The Ministry represents the state in the implementation of its tasks. 


3. The sphere of governance of the Ministry is defined by the statute of the Ministry. 


4. The Ministry is based on the principle of one government, unless otherwise provided by law. 


5. The authority of the Ministry is determined by law and / or a government resolution adopted on the basis of law. The Ministry has no right to transfer its rights and responsibilities to other state or non-state institutions, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of Georgia. 


6. The Ministry is accountable to the Government of Georgia and performs the tasks provided by law or imposed by the Government of Georgia and the Prime Minister of Georgia on the basis of law. 


7. The Ministry has a statute, a completed balance sheet and account in the treasury, an estimate and a stamp with the image of the state coat of arms. 01024003010003020427


8. The Ministry is funded from the state budget. It is accountable for the targeted use of budget funds in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia. 


9. The Ministry may have an emblem. The emblem of the Ministry can be used on business cards of officials and officials of the ministry, printed publications of the Ministry and souvenirs. 


10. The legal address of the Ministry is: №34 Marshal Gelovani Avenue; Tbilisi; Postcode - 0159. Article 2. Scope and tasks of the Ministry 


1. The Ministry's sphere of governance includes the management and development of the fields of environment, agriculture and rural development. 


2. Within the scope of the Ministry's governance, the main tasks of the Ministry are: 


A) implementation of state policy in the field of environment protection, agriculture and rural development; 


B) state management and state control in the field of use of natural resources (except minerals, oil and gas); 


C) promoting the principles of sustainable development and introduction of green economy in the country; 


D) Organizing monitoring of environmental pollution; 


E) preparation of information on existing and expected hydro meteorological and geodynamic processes, assessment of the geo-ecological state and the state of the environment on the territory of Georgia, in river basins and reservoirs, in the territorial waters of the Black Sea, on the continental shelf and in the special economic zone; 


F) development and implementation of state policy in the field of atmospheric air protection, management and protection of water and land resources and climate change; 


G) implementation of the state policy in the field of nuclear and radiation safety; 


H) monitoring of radiation background in the environment; 


I) Development of state policy on the establishment, functioning and management of the system of protected areas, coordination and control of actions; 


J) Development and implementation of state policy in the field of biodiversity protection, hunting, fishing and forestry, monitoring its implementation, as well as monitoring of biodiversity; 


K) regulation and monitoring of the removal of wildlife objects from the environment 


L) development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of genetically modified organisms and exercising state supervision over the implementation of the requirements of the legislation of Georgia in this area; 


M) preparation and implementation of the implementation of strategic documents in the field of environmental protection and agriculture; 


N) implementation of state policy in the field of environmental impact assessment; 


O) Organization and implementation environmental impact assessment procedures within its competence, 01024003010003020427 participation in the process of strategic environmental assessment and transboundary environmental impact assessment, making decisions on the continuation of current activities; 


P) development of proposals on the declaration of a state of emergency or ecological disaster zone and their cancellation; 


Q) regulation of ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated gases on the territory of Georgia; 


R) within its competence, development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of waste and chemical substances management; 


S) within the scope of its competence, planning measures for anticipation of natural and anthropogenic threats and risks, mitigation of their consequences and implementation of a unified policy to ensure environmental safety; 


T) within the scope of its competence, ensuring rational use and protection of land, plan measures to combat soil degradation, discuss / agree on measures to restore degraded areas; 


U) management and development of agro-food, agro-processing, vegetation, livestock (including fisheries), agro-engineering, plant protection and veterinary fields; 


V) implementation of agrarian reforms in the country taking into account the country's traditions and international experience; 

W) assistance to the development of agricultural cooperation in the country; 


X) promoting the processing of primary agricultural products and food production in the country; 


Y) Promoting income growth and food security in the agri-food sector, taking into account the principles of sustainable agricultural development; 


Z) promoting the development of bio-agriculture in the country; 


Z1) promoting the dissemination of best practices / experience in the production / sale of agricultural and food products; 


Z2) obtaining and analyzing information on the state and trends of the domestic and foreign markets; 


Z3) Supporting the organization with scientific and consulting services, the acquisition of professional knowledge and advanced training of agricultural enterprises engaged in the field of agriculture; 


Z4) within the limits of their competence, promoting the development of international relations, determining priority areas of cooperation and managing international programs; 


Z5) promoting the harmonization of interests of producers and consumers; 


Z6) within its competence - supporting the formation of market infrastructure; 

Z7) conducting research activities in the agricultural sector; 


Z8) Organizing and registering the testing of pesticides, agrochemicals, new animal and / or plant varieties, 01024003010003020427 within the scope of its competence; 


Z9) protection of the territory of the country from the intrusion of agricultural quarantine facilities; 


Z10) promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas; 


Z11) Performing other tasks provided by law, within the scope of competence. 



Article 3. Leadership of the Ministry 


1. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (hereinafter - the Minister), who is appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister of Georgia. 


2. The Minister has 5 deputies (including one - the first), who are appointed and dismissed by the Prime Minister of Georgia upon the recommendation of the Minister. 


3. The powers and scope of competence of the First Deputy Minister and Deputies shall be determined by an order of the Minister.~


4. On the instructions of the Minister, one of the Deputy Ministers acts as the Parliamentary Secretary. 


5. The first deputy minister directs the activities of the Ministry and coordinates the activities of the entities within the system of the Ministry and under the administration (if any) in the absence of the Minister.

6. The First Deputy Minister / Deputy Minister may also be the head of a state sub-agency or a legal entity under public law within the scope of the Ministry. Resolution №417 of the Government of Georgia of August 13, 2018 - website, August 17, 2018. Resolution of the Government of Georgia of March 29, 2019 №165 - website, March 29, 2019. 


Article 4. Rights and Responsibilities of the Minister 

1. Minister: 

A) Manages the Ministry, directs its activities and solves issues within the scope of the Ministry; 


B) is responsible for the implementation of the Constitution of Georgia, other laws, normative acts of the President of Georgia, resolutions and ordinances of the Government, as well as orders of the Prime Minister; 


C) monitors the performance of the duties of the Ministry's structural subdivisions and a state sub-agency within the scope of the Ministry, legal entities under public law, and, in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia, exercises official supervision over the decisions and activities of the Ministry; 


D) in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia, within its competence, appoints and dismisses the officials determined by the staff list of the Ministry, heads of state sub-institutions, legal entities of public law, except in cases provided by law, hires other public servants by administrative contract or employment contract; 


E) In the case provided by law, decides on the issuance of salary supplements to the civil servants of the Ministry, as well as to the heads of state sub-departments and legal entities of public law within the sphere of governance of the Ministry; In cases provided by law, issue monetary rewards to the same persons;


F) approves the regulations of the structural units of the Ministry, a state sub-agency within the sphere of governance of the Ministry and legal entities of public law in accordance with the rules established by the legislation; 01024003010003020427


G) submits a proposal to the Prime Minister on the issues of revenue and expenditure of the annual budget of the Ministry and, if necessary - on the draft additional budget, makes decisions on the targeted use of budget funds and is responsible for accurate and expedient execution of the budget; 


H) in accordance with the state budget, approves the budget of the state sub-department within the sphere of governance of the Ministry, exercises control over its implementation and, if necessary, gives instructions on the use of budget funds; 


I) establishes the structure and rules of case management of a state sub-agency within the sphere of governance of the Ministry, except for the cases when they are established by legal acts superior to the order of the Minister; 


J) issues normative and individual administrative-legal acts in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia; 


K) approves the indicators of the Unified Biodiversity Monitoring System, their description methodologies and production rules; 


L) approves the forms of the administrative violation report and the inspection act; 


M) approves the forms of license and permit certificates; 


N) approves the rules for passing internships in the Ministry; 


O) submits a report on the activities of the Ministry to the Prime Minister; 


P) participates in government sessions; 


Q) is responsible for the protection and use of state property and organizes these activities in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of Georgia; 


R) performs other tasks assigned to him / her by laws, normative acts of the President of Georgia, decrees and ordinances of the Government, as well as by orders of the Prime Minister. 


2. If the issue pertaining to the scope of the Ministry's governance also concerns another ministry, the Minister shall agree with the relevant Minister. In case of disagreement, the issue will be discussed at a meeting of the Government of Georgia. 


3. The Minister is authorized to establish commissions, councils and working groups by his order and to define their duties and rules of activity. 
Resolution of the Government of Georgia of May 15, 2019 №227 - website, 16.05.2019.


Article 5. Ministry system 
The system of the Ministry includes: 

A) structural subdivisions of the Ministry, the unity of which forms the central office of the Ministry;

B) (removed - 15.05.2019, №227).


C) a state sub-agency within the sphere of governance of the Ministry; 


D) public law and non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entities, whose state control and / or the authority of the founder is exercised by the Ministry.  

Resolution of the Government of Georgia of May 15, 2019 №227 - website, 16.05.2019. 


Article 6. Structural subdivisions of the central office 
The structural subdivisions of the central office of the Ministry: 


A) Department of Food Policy;

A1) Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Policy;

b) Department of Environment and Climate Change;

c) (removed - 25.12.2023, No. 517);

d) Department of Biodiversity and Forestry;

e) (removed - 15.05.2019, No. 227);

f) Department of Law;

g) Department of Hydromelioration and Land Management;

h) Department of International Relations and European Integration;

i) Department of Waste and Chemical Substances Management;
j) Department of Strategic Communication;

k) Department of Administration;
m) Department of Finances;

n) Department of Internal Audit;

n) (removed - 13.01.2021, No. 7);

p) (removed - 19.04.2022, No. 208);

h) Department of Information Technologies.

Resolution No. 227 of the Government of Georgia dated May 15, 2019 - website, May 16, 2019.
Resolution No. 7 of the Government of Georgia dated January 13, 2021 - website, 14.01.2021.
Resolution No. 100 of the Government of Georgia dated March 11, 2021 - website, 12.03.2021.
Resolution No. 194 of the Government of Georgia dated April 28, 2021 - website, 04.05.2021.
Resolution No. 208 of the Government of Georgia dated April 19, 2022 - website, 20.04.2022.
Resolution No. 119 of the Government of Georgia dated March 22, 2023 - website, 24.03.2023.
Resolution No. 517 of the Government of Georgia dated December 25, 2023 - website, 26.12.2023.



Article 7. State sub-agency 

The Department of Environmental Supervision is a state sub-agency within the Ministry. 


Article 8. The Department of Environmental Supervision is a state sub-agency within the Ministry. 


1. Legal entities of public law included in the system of the Ministry are: 


A) Agency of Protected Areas; 


B) National Environmental Agency; 


C) National Forestry Agency; 

D) Environmental Information and Education Center; 01024003010003020427


E) National Agency for Wildlife; 


F) Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency; 


G) National Food Agency; 


H) National Wine Agency; 


I) (removed - 14.01.2020, №26); 


J) Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture; 


K) State Laboratory of Agriculture; 


L) National Agency for Sustainable Land Management and Land Use Monitoring.


2. Rural Development Agency, a non-profit (non-commercial) legal entity within the system of the Ministry. 

Resolution of the Government of Georgia of February 15, 2019 №83 - website, 18.02.2019. Resolution of the Government of Georgia of July 2, 2019 №301 - website, 04.07.2019. 
Resolution of the Government of Georgia of January 14, 2020 №26 - website, 15.01.2020. 
Resolution of the Government of Georgia of January 22, 2020 №50 - website, 24.01.2020. 
Resolution of the Government of Georgia of September 17, 2020 №580 - website, 18.09.2020 


Article 9. The main tasks of the structural subdivisions of the Central Office 

The main tasks of the structural subdivisions of the Ministry: 


1. Department of Food Policy:

a) Within the scope of its competence, participates in the development/implementation and/or participates in the elaboration/implementation of policies in the food industry, food safety, veterinary medicine, and plant protection in the country; 

b) developing and/or participating in the development of projects of normative acts to establish and improve the legal base in the field of food safety, veterinary medicine, and plant protection;
c) development and/or participation in the development of programs, and projects in the field of food safety, veterinary medicine, and plant protection and, if necessary, participation in implementation;

d)drafting and/or participating in the preparation of proposals, implementing them, and/or participating in their execution, in the areas of food safety, veterinary medicine, and plant protection, to fulfill the obligations taken by the country (SPS, within the scope of competence, etc.);

e) promoting the sustainable development of the agricultural and food laboratory sector in the country to improve the compliance assessment system;

f) participation in the development of gastro tourism policy;

g) within the scope of competence, to develop/ elaborate/participate in the development of drafts of technical regulations of the food sector, to establish and improve the regulatory legal base of the food industry, to prepare drafts of normative acts, and/or to participate in their preparation; 

h) development of food-related quality schemes in the country, participation in policy development, implementation, and/or participation in implementation. Promotion of product branding and international practices, development and improvement of legal mechanisms for their protection;

i) within the scope of the competence, preparing and/or taking part in the preparation of proposals, putting them into action, and/or taking part in their implementation, in the areas of the food industry and trade, to facilitate the fulfillment of obligations defined by national legislation and imposed by international agreements;

j) to participate in the development, implementation, and/or participation in the implementation of policies related to children's nutrition, as well as fortified foods, within the scope of competence;

k) within the scope of its competence, cooperation with various ministries and agencies to develop and promote the trade;

l) exercise other powers provided by law. 


11. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Policy:

a) coordination of the development of agricultural and rural development strategy(hereinafter - the strategy) and the relevant action plan (hereinafter - the action plan) based on the analysis of the proposals submitted by the structural units and/or agencies included in the system of the Ministry

b) coordination of the monitoring and/or evaluation of the strategy and action plan, preparation of the monitoring report in the required format, and submission to the interagency coordination council;

c) participation in determining the priority areas of agriculture and/or rural development and promoting their implementation;

d) within the competence of the Ministry, participating in the development of relevant strategies and action plans of various state agencies on rural and agricultural development related issues, in addition, following established procedure, preparing monitoring reports of the programs outlined in these action plans and sending them to the appropriate agencies;

e) implementation of analytical activities based on existing data in the field;

f) Obtaining and processing information about production, export-import, consumption, and sales prices of agro-food products. preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual reports;

g)  within the scope of its competence, participating in the development of draft intergovernmental agreements of international trade / economic nature and in the negotiation process, in cooperation with the relevant state agencies and structural units and / or agencies of the Ministry;

h) Implementation of market analysis using existing statistical data for pre-selected agro-food products. Analysis of production, export potential, trends in the international market, and other data;

i) provision of civil society involvement, communication, and coordination on agriculture and rural development policy related issues;

j) coordination of the national rural development network;

k) coordination of rural development policy based on territory (bottom-up approach);

g) within the scope of competence, participating in the development and negotiation process of intergovernmental agreements of an international trade/economic nature, in cooperation with relevant state agencies and structural units and/or agencies of the Ministry;

h) Implementation of market analysis using existing statistical data for pre-selected agro-food products. Analysis of production, export potential, trends in the international market, and other data;

i) provision of civil society involvement, communication, and coordination on issues of agriculture and rural development policy;

j) coordination of the national rural development network;

k) coordination of rural development policy based on territory (bottom-up approach);

m) development of programs/proposals for the development of the fields of animal husbandry, horticulture, and aquaculture;

n) development of programs/proposals for the development of agricultural cooperatives;

o) within the scope of competence, development/participation in the development of projects of legal acts;

p) exercise other powers provided by law


2. Department of Environment and Climate Change: 


A) Participates in the development and implementation of state policy in the fields of water resources management, atmospheric air protection and climate change throughout Georgia; 

B) within the scope of its competence, participates in the organization of the state system of environmental monitoring; 


C) Defines and coordinates the mechanisms of protection of the air, ozone layer and water resources from the impact of natural or anthropogenic factors; 


D) (removed - 14.01.2020, №26); 


E) (removed - 14.01.2020, №26); 


F) coordination of multilateral environmental agreements (conventions, their protocols and agreements) and processes; Participating in determining the expediency of concluding new multilateral environmental agreements, initiating them and organizing procedural measures; 


G) Cooperates with the mechanisms implementing multilateral environmental agreements and coordinate the 
activities of nationally responsible / contact persons 


H) coordinates and organizes the development process of the National Environmental Action Program; 


I) Participates in the identification of priority environmental areas and contributes to their implementation; 


J) within the limits of competence, promotes the principles of sustainable development and green economy in the country; 


K) coordinates and organizes the preparation of the national report on the state of the environment; 


L) participates in determining the feasibility of initiating environmental projects; 


M) exercises other powers provided for by law. 


3. (Removed -25.12.2023, N:517)


4. Department of Biodiversity and Forestry: 



A) within the scope of its competence, developing state policy in the field of protection and conservation of biodiversity components throughout the territory of Georgia, management and regulation of biological resources, coordination of the process of creation, management and monitoring of protected areas included in the international network; 


B) Development of state policy in the field of protected areas and forest management and coordination / promotion of its implementation; 


C) Coordination of the development and implementation of the Georgian Biodiversity Protection Strategy and Action Plan, as well as forest strategies and the National Forest Program; 


D) regulating the number of wild animals, determining the methods of obtaining resources in the process of regulating the use of their resources and participation in setting quotas, regulating the removal of wildlife objects from the environment for scientific-research purposes; 


E) Administration of international trade in specimens of species listed in the Annexes to the Convention “International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” (CITES) 


F) organizing and coordinating the state system of biodiversity monitoring; 


G) preparing proposals for the implementation of state reforms in the forestry sector, discuss the issues of expediency of granting and terminating forest status; 


H) within the scope of its competence, coordinating the regulation of the use of the genetically modified organism and provide overall organizational support; 


I) exercising other powers provided by law. 


5. (Removed - 15.05.2019, №227). 


6.  Department of Law: 


A) Facilitation of legal support for the activities of the central office and system of the Ministry; 


B) Coordination of legislative activities of the Ministry; Within the scope of competence, preparation of drafts of relevant legislative normative acts or legal examination of prepared draft laws; 


C) Coordinating the relationship between the Parliament and the Ministry in the field of legislation and assisting the Parliamentary Secretary in the exercise of the powers conferred on him / her by the Law of Georgia on the ====Parliamentary Secretary; 


D) Legal examination of draft intergovernmental and inter-agency international agreements; 


E) Coordination of ensuring the submission of draft legislative and sub-legislative normative acts prepared by the Ministry and its institutions to the Government of Georgia and the Parliament of Georgia; 


F) preparation of draft normative and / or individual legal acts and / or legal examination / endorsement (except for projects related to business trips or vacations); 


G) within the scope of its competence, reviewing applications, complaints and letters; 


H) Ensuring the registration and publication of normative acts adopted by the Minister in the Legislative Herald of Georgia; 


I) Representation of the Ministry in the courts of all instances; 


J) exercising other powers provided by law. 


7. Department of Hydro melioration and Land Management: 


A) Developing a policy in the field of hydromelioration and monitoring its implementation; 


B) planning measures and coordinating its implementation to improve the management of the hydromelioration sector; 


C) within the scope of its competence, developing an agricultural land management policy and monitoring its implementation;


D) planning measures to coordinate agricultural land management and coordinating its implementation; 


E) Participation in the development and implementation of state policy on sustainable management and protection of land resources throughout Georgia; 


F) Defining and coordinating the mechanisms of protection of land resources from the impact of natural or anthropogenic factors; 


G) planning and coordinating implementation of desertification, land degradation mitigation measures at the national level; 


H) regulation and coordination of soil fertility management; 


I) within the scope of competence, preparation of proposals, recommendations and normative documents; 


J) exercising other powers provided by law. 


8. Department of International Relations and European Integration: 


A) Managing the Ministry's international relations with foreign states and international organizations; 


B) within the competence of the Ministry, coordinating the process of preparing draft international agreements, conducting relevant negotiations and signing agreements; 


C) Ensuring the involvement of the Ministry in intergovernmental commissions, participating in the preparation of the draft commission protocol, preparation of information on the status of implementation of the protocol; 


D) preparation of necessary conversational and analytical materials for meetings and visits in the format of bilateral and multilateral relations; 


E) Ensuring coordination and cooperation with relevant international organizations, participating in the development of new projects with donors and implementing partners in the field of environment and agriculture, taking into account the needs of the structural units within the Ministry and European integration, as well as international organizations and foreign countries; 


F) within the scope of its competence, preparing conclusions on international agreements. Coordinating and monitoring the fulfillment of obligations under bilateral environmental agreements. Preparing reports on the implementation of projects funded by the donor organization and submit them to the leadership of the Ministry, as well as monitoring the progress of the implementation of the activities envisaged by the projects; 


G) Elaboration of proposals supporting the establishment of Georgian products on the international markets. Within the scope of competence, planning and implementation of international and local exhibitions, programs for promotion of agri-food products, symposia, seminars, conferences; 


H) within the competence of the Ministry, requesting and receiving relevant information from the national responsible persons / contact persons of the international agreements of the relevant structural subdivisions of the Ministry for the purpose of international relations and European integration process, as well as relations with donors; 


I) Obtaining, processing and updating information on projects and programs planned, ongoing and completed by the European Union in the field of agriculture and the environment; 


J) Coordination and monitoring of issues related to the international relations of the structural units and institutions within the system of the Ministry; 


K) Ensuring the approximation of environmental and agricultural legislation to the EU legislation set out in the Association Agreement between the EU and Georgia; 


L) Coordination of the activities of the structural subdivisions of the Ministry and the agencies within the system in order to ensure the reporting on the implementation of the National Action Plans and the implementation of the commitments in the process of integration with the European Union, including the Association Agreement and the Association Agenda; 

M) Participate in the Government Coordination Mechanism established for the implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Georgia; 


N) discussing draft regulations and accompanying documents developed by various departments on issues within the competence of the Ministry, and preparing conclusions, in order to bring the legislation of Georgia closer to the legal acts of the EU defined in the Association Agreement between the EU and Georgia, 


O) Participating in the protection of the environment and agriculture in the field of European integration, as well as in the determining priorities for cooperation with international organizations and foreign countries and contributing the fulfillment of requirements, including within the framework of the Eastern Partnership; 


P) preparation of correspondence tables to determine the compliance of draft normative acts of Georgia, developed within the framework of legislative convergence, with EU legislation; 


Q) coordinating the activities of the Ministry to fulfill the obligations undertaken by Georgia to the Energy Union; 


R) Development of proposals on European integration issues within the competence of the Ministry; 


S) exercising other powers provided by law. 


9. Department of Waste and Chemical Substances: 


A) Development and implementation of a unified state policy on waste and chemicals management within the 
scope of its competence; 


B) Development of national waste management strategies, national plans and coordination of their implementation; 


C) within the scope of its competence, regulation of waste and chemical substances, state accounting, production of a database; 

D) within the scope of its competence, fulfillment of the obligations defined by the international agreements of Georgia in the field of waste and chemicals management; 


E) Determination of the priority directions of environmental measures in the field of waste and chemicals management and coordinating their implementation; 


F) within the scope of its competence, development of the state target programs in the field of waste and chemicals management and coordinate their implementation; 


G) coordination of hazardous and specific waste management; 


H) promoting waste prevention, separation, pre-treatment, reuse and recycling; 


I) registration of waste management activities; 


J) exercise other powers provided by law. 


10. Department of Strategic Communication: 


A) Ensuring transparency of the activities of the Ministry; 


B) Ensuring access to public information, proactively publishing public information and requesting relevant information from the units of the Ministry for these purposes and monitoring its implementation, taking into account international best practices, ensuring system transparency and publicity; 


C) Preparation of official messages, announcements and other information materials related to the ongoing processes in the Ministry and their delivery to the mass media; 


D) planning and implementation of information campaigns for current and planned projects and events in the Ministry; 

E) within the scope of its competence, relations with state institutions, non-governmental and various private organizations; 


F) Ensuring the coordinated activities of the public relations services of the state sub-agency within the sphere of governance of the Ministry; 


G) Obtaining all necessary information from the structural subdivisions of the Ministry and legal entities of public law under the state control of the Ministry; 


H) informing the media about the events organized by the Ministry and the decisions taken; 


I) administration of the official website and social network of the Ministry; 


J) Participation in the planning and organization of interviews, briefings, press conferences and public meetings 
within the scope of its competence. 


11. Department of Administration


A) Provision of administrative and organizational activities of the Ministry; 


B) organizing meetings, commissions and councils to be held with the Minister and to draw up minutes; 


C) implementation of the measures envisaged by the protocol; 


D) preparation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and mobilization plan; 

E) organizing the management of state-owned property transferred to the Ministry; 


F) Defining, planning and implementing the human resources management policy of the central office of the Ministry. Developing recommendations to optimize human resource management in line with modern requirements; 


G) Production of personal files of the employees of the Ministry, creation and systematization of a database; 

H) within the scope of its competence, drafting orders and labor / administrative agreements for the appointment, dismissal, disciplinary liability, incentives, leave, business trips, imposition and transfer of temporary functions of the Central Office of the Ministry; 


I) Development, introduction and periodic updating of employee evaluation and motivation systems in accordance with pre-defined criteria / indicators; 


J) within the scope of its competence, taking measures provided by law for the selection of candidates for vacant positions in the Ministry; 


K) Registration and systematization of official incoming and outgoing correspondence in the Ministry. Ensuring case management; 


L) Carrying out secret proceedings. Ensuring the confidentiality of relevant information and documentation required by applicable law; 


M) organizing the work of the archives of the Ministry; 


N) Ensuring the administration and management of the computer network and systems in the Ministry, as well as 
the protection of its internal and external network perimeter; 


O) Supporting existing services, ensuring data continuity and their security, as well as providing technical 


P) exercising other powers provided by law. 



12. Department of Finance: 


A) Managing financial-budgetary activities, elaborating the draft unified budget of the Ministry; 


B) Ensuring targeted use of funds allocated to the Ministry, systematic analysis of budget funding; 


C) Improving the conditions for financing programs and projects; 


D) Accounting of the central office of the Ministry; 


E) Controlling the accuracy of quarterly and annual reports submitted by the institutions of the Ministry system, preparation of consolidated financial statements, mandatory reporting to the Ministry of Finance of Georgia and other organizations; 

F) Ensuring a unified methodological basis for the accounting and reporting of the Ministry and its institutions; 

G) implementation of state procurements in accordance with the current legislation; 


H) Preparation of a medium-term action plan of the Ministry in coordination with the institutions within the system of the Ministry and the structural subdivisions of the Ministry, based on the basic data and directions of the country; 


I) exercising other rights and responsibilities defined by the legislation of Georgia. 01024003010003020427


13. Department of Internal Audit: 


A) Identification of the risks facing the Ministry and assessing the quality of their management; 


B) evaluation of the adequacy and efficiency of the financial management and control system; 


C) Development of annual and strategic internal audit plans in accordance with the rules established by law; 


D) Carrying out internal audit; 


E) Assessing / monitoring the compliance of the activities of the Ministry with the legislation of Georgia; 


F) Developing recommendations to increase the economy, efficiency and productivity of the Ministry; 


G) assessment of the reliability, accuracy and completeness of financial and other information; 


H) Assessing the adequacy of the assets, other resources and information of the Ministry; 


I) Examination of the existence of an official misconduct and / or action inconsistent with the goals of the institution and the following measures of the official inspection carried out in order to detect it: 


Ia) control over the observance and implementation of the requirements of the legislation in the system of the Ministry, analysis of the expected violations and / or shortcomings and their prevention; 


Ib) conducting an official inspection of the facts of misconduct by employees in the system of the Ministry, compiling a report on the inspection and submitting it to the management; 


Ic) providing relevant recommendations to the Minister in order to identify and prevent the causes of violations of the legislation by the employees of the Ministry system, to eliminate the shortcomings found in the system of the Ministry and their causes; 


I.d) controlling over the observance of the norms of service ethics by the employees of the system of the Ministry;


J) providing information to the Minister for appropriate response, in case of detection of signs of crime as a result 
of audit and official inspection, ; 


K) other activities that are in the interests of the Ministry and do not contradict the legislation of Georgia, the objectives of the Law of Georgia on State Internal Financial Control and the principles of auditor independence. 


14. (Removed - 13.01.2021, №7). 


15. Department of Environmental Assessment:


A) Carrying out screening and scoping procedures in accordance with the rules established by law, issuing environmental decisions on activities subject to environmental impact assessment, organizing the implementation of expertise for this purpose; 


B) making decisions on the continuation of the current activity subject to the environmental impact assessment; 01024003010003020427


C) issuing a recommendation on the strategic environmental assessment report and the draft strategic document; 


D) organization of transboundary environmental impact assessment procedures; 


E) Ensuring the participation of the public / stakeholder in the environmental decision-making process and ensuring access to relevant information and public hearings for this purpose; 


F) Organizing the necessary procedures for exemption from the environmental impact assessment of the planned activity, preparing a relevant proposal and submitting it to the Government of Georgia; 


G) Reviewing and agreeing on draft technical regulations for the maximum permissible discharge of pollutants into surface water bodies, technical regulations for the removal of water from surface water bodies; 


H) reviewing and agreeing on the draft report on the sources of atmospheric air pollution and the inventory of harmful substances emitted by them and the norms on the maximum permissible emission of harmful substances into the ambient air, in accordance with the rules established by law; 


I) Issuance of permits for import, export, re-export and transit of ozone depleting substances for ozone depleting substances; 


J) exercising other powers provided by law. 


16. Department of Information Technology: 


A) Development of a unified information technology policy for the Ministry and ensuring its implementation in the central office and system of the Ministry; 


B) ensuring information security; 


C) Replacing technical and computer equipment with new innovative equipment according to the needs of the Ministry and ensuring monitoring of them; 


D) Ensuring the administration and management of computer network systems in the Ministry, as well as 
protecting its internal and external network perimeter; 


E) Providing citizens and investors with access to information on activities and projects planned by the Ministry; 


F) Supporting the existing services and introduction of new innovative services, data continuity and their security; 


G) creation of unified, central databases and provision of relevant reporting; 


H) creating service catalogs and managing access levels to them; 


I) Providing technical support. Resolution of the Government of Georgia of May 15, 2019 №227 - website, 16.05.2019. Resolution of the Government of Georgia of January 14, 2020 №26 - website, 15.01.2020. Resolution of the Government of Georgia of January 22, 2020 №50 - website, 24.01.2020. Resolution of the Government of Georgia of January 13, 2021 №7 - website, 14.01.2021.Resolution of the Government of Georgia of March 11, 2021 №100 - website, 12.03.2021. Resolution of the Government of Georgia of April 28, 2021 №194 - website, 04.05.2021. 01024003010003020427
Article 10. (Removed) 


Resolution of the Government of Georgia dated May 15, 2019 №227 - website, 16.05.2019. 


Article 11. Property of the Ministry 

The property of the Ministry consists of fixed and circulating assets, financial resources, as well as property 
included in the balance sheet / use of the Ministry in accordance with the rules established by law. 

Article 12. Other provisions 

The Ministry is reorganized and liquidated in accordance with the rules established by law.