
We will be able to reduce plastic pollution Levan Davitashvili said

The World Environment Day is marked on June 5th. The overall goal of this event is to increase public awareness and responsibility towards environment protection and actively engage them in all those ...

A large-scale cleaning campaign dedicated to World Environment Day

The Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Solomon Pavliashvili took part in the cleaning campaign dedicated to World Environment Day. The participants of the campaign...

World Environment Day is celebrated in ‘’Biblusi ’’ book shop

World Environment Day is marked on June 5th. The activities undertaken under the frame of the event are dedicated to raise public awareness and responsibility towards nature protection. The theme for ...




Levan Davitashvili met with the members of the US Chamber of Commerce

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, Levan Davitashvili met with the members of the United States Chamber of Commerce. At the meeting, the Minister has been focused on ...